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The O.C.E.A.N., Inc. Summer Employment Program Brings New Experiences Each Week!

This week, participants of the O.C.E.A.N., Inc. Summer Employment Program are out and about painting and cleaning the Brick and OCC Head Start Centers, organizing items for Direct Services at the Macedonia Senior Affordable Housing Complex and providing filing services at the O.C.E.A.N., Inc. Administration Building.

The O.C.E.A.N., Inc. Summer Employment Program offers new experiences as participants learn valuable employment skills and an overall meaningful summer work experience. The agency Summer Program Coordinator Maureen Neuner works with participants on workplace readiness as they develop social skills.  


Workplace readiness traits include a number of commonly expected skills that employers seek from most employees including a set of skills and behaviors that are necessary for any job and are sometimes called soft skills, employability skills, or job readiness skills.  


Teaching these abilities are assisting the summer participants in learning how to interact with future supervisors and co-workers, helping reinforce the importance of timeliness and builds an understanding of how they are perceived by others. Employers value employees who can communicate effectively and act professionally. No matter what technical skills a job may require, every job requires good social skills/interpersonal skills.


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