For those in attendance at the Celebration including agency staff and Board of Trustees, the event was a source of fun and merriness thanks to the OCEAN, Inc. Human Resources, Fiscal and Head Start staff who contributed countless hours of imagination to ensure the evening was active and engaging for employees through activities like the 'Free Chance Auction' and games like the ‘Saran Wrap Challenge.’ Most everyone went home a winner whether you won at the Auction, raffle or candy from the games.
Throughout the evening, a '2024 Year in Review' photo slideshow presentation of accomplishments was displayed in prearranged sequence.
Congratulations to the winners of the ‘Burn Along Challenge’ including: 1st Place winner Theresa Gwiazdowski, 2nd Place winner Janyll Solorzano and Belkis Mejia who placed 3rd. The burn along employee fitness challenge coordinated by Alicia Ramos of Human Resources helped participating staff improve their health and wellbeing.
Special thanks to Leslie Perna who designed the centerpieces for each table, Nicole Allmond who created the balloon photo display and all those who wrapped auction prizes, prepared other decorations displayed throughout the Ballroom and to Human Resources, Fiscal and Head Start staff who reserved the venue and coordinated the menu.
With plenty of delicious food on hand, if you went home hungry, it was your own fault.
